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Consultio is a provider of low cost planningin USA.
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Golden years we’ve passed!

Welocme To Salim HR Consultancy

Make your dream come true and grow with us

We are UAE based manpower Supply Company established in the year 2022 to provide quality personnel to all fields of expertise in the United Arab Emirates. Providing complete recruitment solutions, sourcing and supplying quality staff throughout the GCC Countries.

We provide highly qualified professionals and skilled labors to support with the best top, middle and lower level work force. We are the licensed agency to provide manpower to reduce the worries of our customers about compensation labor law and accommodation of their employees. Thanks to our unflinching commitment to the best interest s of the businesses and job seekers, we have gained the reputation of being a reliable, lair-minded and straight forward legal manpower supplier.

We provide exclusive and qualified workforce for all sectors like Oil and Gas, Mechanical Construct ion, Civil Construction , Electrical, Marine & Ship Hospitality, Manufacturing, Power and desalination plant, Information Technology, Logistics, Real Estate, General Trading and Banking.

Save money – we help protect you from non-compliance issues.
Grow – you keep your focus on increasing revenue.

Our servies


We offer a full spectrum of customised Manpower Supply Services, including recruitment, induction and training, to help reduce the time, effort and cost associated with hiring temporary and permanent manpower supply.


We at Hodue Albahar Group understand how to operate effectively by discovering, assessing, and validating employees based on your specific requirements.We get it because we experience it every day


We are an incorporation of procedures inside an organisation to manage and develop consented services that support and improve the efficacy of the organization’s principal activities.

Why Choose Us

Automate More Stuff & Relax More

24*7 Support Available

Trusted By Leaders Valuable Ideas

International Recruitment services


Immigration & Visa are allowed some Countries


We take some courses to make immigration easier

If you’re a newcomer to Canada, we can help. ISSofBC provides free immigrant services including settlement support.
Get in touch

Don’t hasitate to contact with us for inquries!

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Our offices are located on the traditional, unceded and occupied territories of the Coast Salish and Sto:lo peoples, including the territories

24/7 hours customer support

100% money back Guarentee

+23 656 523 5052

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)